Personal Injury Lawyer – A Solution in Your Crisis
It’s a commonly nourished misconception that a personal lawyer’s involvement always drags the case to the court whereas in reality, most cases end in out-of-the-court settlement after undergoing successful negotiations. Such an ending saves you time, expenses and stress that are always a part and parcel of court trials.
It’s interesting to observe that even the most experienced lawyer’s estimate to how much time it will take to settle the case and how much the case is worth stand a strong chance of sliding on the erroneous side. Therefore, a good Seattle personal injury attorney always refrains himself from predicting the unpredictable.
Keep in mind that contrary to what is popularly believed, any dilly-dallying or stretching the time length for a settlement through trials or out of the court actually works to the disadvantages of the lawyer as the person will always try to achieve the best possible outcome in the shortest time span as most of the attorneys accept contingent fees.
However, it goes against the professional ethics for a lawyer to agree to settlement or finalize a deal without your consent.
Utilize Your Insurance Coverage
Use your health or car insurance policies, which cover the circumstances and the type of injuries you have suffered, to pay your medical bills within a certain period of time. It’s not wise to request the hospital or the caregivers to wait until the case is settled.
Benefits payable through such insurance coverage won’t cause a leap in the rates. This kind of coverage does not require you to be negligent for the benefits to be siphoned off.
Settlement Negotiations
Given that personal injury cases are full of complications that vary from one case to another; sporadic efforts are what you can expect from a personal injury lawyer. You are less likely to receive regular calls from your lawyer’s office though you can always reach out to him over phone. A good lawyer never leaves his client in the dark and his juniors will keep you updated on the latest progress.
‘TIME’, taken to obtain a settlement, is a function of multiple factors as follows:
- Collecting evidences and witnesses
- How long it takes for your recovery
- Soliciting an offer from the insurer involved
- If all the efforts for successful negotiations with the insurance company collapse
and some more.
Do You Have Any Issue with Your Creditors?
An accident and resulting personal injuries often beget a fountain of crisis including financial disruption. This is because, the injured person cannot join work until he recovers, which means loss of wages, and also he needs to pay off his medical bills. Given that you were not prepared for such a sudden rise in financial obligations, you should not delay in conveying your plight and penury to your creditors, otherwise, installments that you were obliged to pay off will fall into arrears.
Make it a point to request your creditors to stretch the time of repaying the debts. Reshuffling the payment schedule will give you some temporary relief and enable you to clear the dues out of the proceeds from the settlement deal.