Remove Eye Bags Surgically Or Non-Surgically And Gain Youthful Look Again
Are you worried about your eye bags? It’s natural because eye bags make you look tired and aged. You are trying to get rid of them by taking more sleep and improving your diet, but aren’t successful yet!
Fortunately, you can get rid of them with more than one ways. Here are tips by Dr Naveen Somia, a leading cosmetic surgeon in Sydney.
First you will have to understand what causes eye bags and then you will understand how to treat them. There are two approaches – surgical and non-surgical, to treat eye bags.
Causes of Eye Bags
If you want to understand how eye bag treatments work, you will have to first know how eye bags are formed in the first place. The fact is that there are many factors responsible for the eye bag formation and often, more than one of them are simultaneously responsible for the eye bags.
Here are three of the most common causes.
Loss of Fatty Tissue in the Upper Cheeks
This is the most common cause. The fatty tissue in the cheeks, just below the eyes, is degenerated. This fatty tissue residing beneath the skin is present all through the face. With age, it starts breaking down or “deflating” at a much faster rate in your cheeks than it does just below your eyes.
Because of this dissimilar deflation, protruding or elevated bulges of fat become prominent under your eyes which are known as eye bags.
Weakened Orbital Septum
This is one more leading cause of eye bag formation. Orbital septum is a membrane responsible for holding fat under the eyes where it is placed away from the skin. Aging can weaken the orbital septum and the fat behind it bulges outward and press against the skin. This protrusion of fat causes the formation of eye bags.
Genetic Cause
Other than the above two causes, one more cause also exists commonly and it is the genetic predisposition in some people to have excessive fat under the eyes; they are just born that way.
Non-surgical Treatment of Eye Bags
A typical treatment of choice of removing eye bags without having to undergo surgery is dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are gels made of a substance known as hyaluronic acid, a compound naturally occurring in the body that can add new volume or reestablish lost volume to facial soft tissue.
For those whose eye bags have been formed by cheek deflation, the smooth transition can be restored with dermal fillers from under the eyes to the cheeks, and thus removing the appearance of eye bags.
This works well also in patients with excessive fat under the eyes depending on the anatomy of their face.
After a non-surgical eye bag removal treatment, patients can mostly return to work the same day or the next day, with their best looks. Sometimes slight redness, tenderness and/or swelling may be experienced in the first 7 to 10 days after the treatment, but this is rare.
Surgical Treatment of Eye Bags
If your eye bags are formed due to excess fat or bulging under the eyes, you have the option of surgery. Get an eye bag surgery in Sydney and call Dr Naveen Somia.
In an eye bag removal surgery, surgeons take out and/or adjust fat under the eyes to remove the bags. The removal of surplus skin under the eyes during this surgery also may benefit some patients.
Patients mostly resume most of routine activities within a week after eye bag surgery. Total recovery normally takes 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the natural healing ability of your body and how accurately you follow your doctor’s post-surgery instructions.
So, you will understand that there is no need to worry for your eye bags as you can easily get rid of them and gain your youthful look once again.